The miracle of English belongs to children
The miracle of children surpasses English
Introduction to the English Course of
Shanghai Baoshan World Foreign Language School
上海宝山区世界外国语学校以一种“未来智慧”的教育视角,打造传承世外理念、又具有宝外特色的英语课程2.0版,以此来培养学生胜任未来的综合能力, 它由四个维度构成。
Shanghai Baoshan World Foreign Language School (BSWFLS), with the futuristic educational perspective, has created the English curriculum version 2. 0 which inherits the concept of the WFL education group and has the characteristics of BSWFLS. The aim of the curriculum is to cultivate students' comprehensive ability for the future, which consists of four dimensions.
维度一 和他人进行得体而有效的沟通能力
Dimension 1: The ability to communicate appropriately and effectively with others
宝外的核心英语课程让学生体会到,英语和中文一样的,是一种美妙的语言, 是有“声”的,有“形”的,有“意”的,有“情”的。
The central English course of BSWFLS enables students to realize that English, like Chinese, is a wonderful language with sound, form, meaning and emotions combined.
The pronunciation training of WFL group is aimed to cultivate beautiful, pure English pronunciation. Interesting English activities guide students to discover the mystery between the lines. The diversified English classes enable students to experience rich context in communication. The performances at the English Festival enable students to express their thoughts and convey their emotions. They are all nutrients for language learning and help children communicate appropriately and effectively.
维度二 对世界的理解和欣赏能力
Dimension 2: The ability to understand and appreciate the world
Through online and offline reading activities, students roam in the sea of books, explore, understand and appreciate diverse views and learn from others. Through acting, cultural exchanges and other experiential activities, students can appreciate the charm of cross-cultural exchanges and become cultural transmitters.
维度三 对地区、全球和跨文化议题的思辨能力
Dimension 3: Critical thinking on regional, global and cross-cultural issues
Through English challenges such as English Speech and Debate Pentathlon, United States Academic Pentathlon, Star of Outlook English Competition and Australian Mathematics, students can pay more attention to regional and global issues, absorb multiple perspectives, learn to think, analyze and distinguish, and finally form rational personal standpoints or attitudes.
维度四 为可持续发展采取行动的能力
Dimension 4: Capacity to take action for Sustainable Development
项目式学习宝山世外课程体系中的重要组成部分,英语学科结合自身特点和学需求,开展多样的项目。有时是基于项目的Project-based learning, 有时是问题驱动的Problem-based learning,有时是通过现象寻求本质Phenomenon-based learning, 更是心理导向系列Psychology-based learning,学生通过发表言论、设计作品、组织活动来改变困局、解决问题、实现理想。
Project-based learning is an important part of BSWFLS curriculum system, and the school has organized various projects according to its own characteristics and learning needs. It can be project-based, problem-based, phenomenon-based, and even psychology-based. Students can break the dilemma, solve problems and realize their ideals by making speeches, designing works and organizing activities.
The four dimensions are arranged in an ascending spiral so that students understand language learning may be limited but the thinking and growth are unlimited.
Come and join BSWFLS.
Let’s go further!