



3C”课程从“课程设置、空间构建、队伍匹配、实施评价”四个维度,系统建构宝外课程图谱。它基于宝外的育人目标,基于跨领域融合(Cross-domain integration)、跨文化理解(Cross-culture understanding)、跨时空飞翔(Cross-time and space flying)的3C原则与路径;它努力传承发展世外“外语特色“,不断完善“科技名片”,从而形成宝外的“外语+科技”的课程特色,即“外语见长与国际理解”的人文底蕴与“实验科学与创新科技”的两翼齐飞。


3C Course for the Future

Based on the experience of Shanghai World Foreign Language School, a distinctive curriculum system with SWFL characteristics is established. Guided by SWFL, Shanghai Baoshan World Language School strives to build a future oriented 3C curriculum after active exploration and major breakthroughs.

3C curriculum is specially tailored in terms of curriculum setting, space construction, team matching, teaching and learning evaluation, and contributes to the systematic construction of BSWFLS curriculum blueprint. It is based on the educational goal of BSWFLS and principles and approaches of 3C, namely cross-domain integration, cross-culture understanding and cross-time and space flying. It strives to inherit and develop the foreign language characteristics of WFL group, and constantly enhance its science and technology courses so as to imprint the foreign language and technology characteristics of BSWFLS. In other words, the humanistic connotation of foreign language expertise and global perspective and features of experimental science and innovative technology are further developed side by side.

With 3C courses, BSWFLS strives to create a rich learning environment and a diverse experience space so as to help every child spread their wings to fully explore the world and future.